The Clearbrook Mennonite Brethren Church began in 1936 to serve the needs of Mennonite Brethren settlers in the area.
The Clearbrook Mennonite Brethren Church began in 1936 to serve the needs of Mennonite Brethren emigrants from South Russia who had come to Canada to escape religious persecution. Since then, the congregation has come to include people from many different communities and various ethnic and denominational backgrounds. Newcomers are welcome at our services and to become a part of our church family.
The church’s music and worship style will appeal to those from various age groups and church backgrounds who appreciate a more traditional, yet vibrant form of Sunday Worship services.
Clearbrook MB church is known for its choral and instrumental music, friendliness, intercessory prayer, preaching, care for seniors, strong support for missions, and its involvement in various humanitarian services in the community.
Find out more about Clearbrook MB Church. View the pages below.
Our History
A glimpse into the past as we continue to build our story
In the early decades of the church, members made a significant contribution to the development of the surrounding community as farmers and local businessmen. Leadership for the formation of the Tabor Home Society in 1959 to care for the elderly originated in the Clearbrook church. The church also supported the early development of what is now Columbia Bible College and of the Mennonite Educational Institute. A number of educators, denominational leaders and missionaries have roots in Clearbrook MB Church.
Clearbrook MB Church is Formed

Land Purchased & Building Constructed
In the early 40's the small congregation bought the present land the church is situated on for $1.00 from the municipality, and asked each member to pay a $5.00 levy to help finance the construction of a church building which was dedicated in October 1940.

Larger Sanctuary Constructed
In 1957 a larger sanctuary was built followed by some additions in later years.
Bakerview MB Church Is Formed
Clearbrook M.B. Church had an active part in the beginning of the Bakerview M.B. church, with a number of its members becoming founding members there. Find out more about our historical connection to Bakerview MB.
Clearbrook MB Begins Broadcasting Through Its Own Local TV Station
To make Sunday services and Bible studies accessible to seniors and those who are unable to attend in person, Clearbrook MB began broadcasting through its own local TV Station (CFEG) channel